Teacher Exclusive Discount

It's no secret that we at Svaha adore all the hardworking teachers out there! Whether you identify as Ms. Frizzle or not, this special discount is for you. ♥
Simply follow the steps below, and you'll be able to generate a unique code for all of your busy wardrobe's needs. This code can be used for 20% off anything in our Adults Sale Eligible Collection, because you should always have a way to treat yourself after a long day of teaching classes and grading papers.
Since this a program being run through VerifyPass, the inclusions for this code are unfortunately determined solely by them. We'd love to include a broader range of teachers, but the program is currently limited to:
- State-Licensed Educators (including Public, Private and Charter)
- Pre-K, K-12 & University Professors
- School Administration & Employees
By clicking the "Get Code" link below, the popup portal contains some additional FAQ information in the upper left for your convenience. Note that if this popup doesn't pull up, please ensure that you have popups enabled on your device. These codes are specially generated, and cannot be applied to past purchases nor combined with any other discount codes.